
Thursday, December 31, 2009

happy new year!

2009 has been one incredible year. We welcomed our 2nd baby into the world, I finished my 3rd and final year of teaching, Dan and I celebrated 3 years of marriage, I began staying at home with my beautiful children, Collin turned 2, and we learned that we have a 3rd baby boy on the way (a baby name poll will be coming soon)I seems almost unfair for one person to receive so many blessings.

We eagerly awaite the beginning of 2010 which is undoubtedly going to be another year full of blessings.

Wishing you and yours endless blessings in 2010!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Avon calling!

I have officially started selling Avon! I'm very excited about it and only hope that it goes well. Just remembering to put my orders in on time will be my biggest challenge!
I have an online store as well, so if you are interested in buying Avon products, you can order and pay right there, and have them shipped directly to your house! Very convenient for those of you who may not live close by.
No pressure to buy, just wanted to get my info out there!

Monday, December 14, 2009

welcome, Evie!

My best friend had her baby yesterday morning! She's absolutely perfect in every way. Evie Ann entered the world at 10:22am on December 13th weighing 7 lbs 4.9 oz and is 17 inches long. Dan and I went to visit them in the hospital and I got to snuggle on her for a little bit. Ah precious baby girl. She was so calm and content wrapped up in her blanket being held by strangers. I can't wait to have her at my house during the day. I told her mommy to bring lots of extra clothes so I can play dress up with her during the day! It will be so much fun to have a girl around the house.
Welcome to the world Evie! We are so glad you are here, safe and sound. You have some pretty amazing parents you lucky girl! Collin and Ronan can't wait to play with you and teach you lots of fun things. You'll be good friends I'm sure. We love you, Evie! And Congratulations Krystal and Patrick!

Friday, December 11, 2009

15 weeks

Today we are at 15 weeks. Well according to our family physicians original calculations. According to my OB we were at 15 on Wednesday. According to me, probably not until Monday. But whose counting?
I have a little bump already. Of course this is my 3rd baby. And as I've been told "that bed has already been slept in". However, I refuse to wear any kind of maternity pants, except for my super comfy still too big for me sweats, at least until after Christmas. I plan on not letting my butt and thighs get so big this time around. After Christmas I may just invest in some of those new Reebok easy tone shoes. Maybe they work, maybe they don't. I think it's worth a shot!

making cookies

Collin helped me make Christmas cookies the other day.

Aren't they pretty?

Collin got to decorate his very own cookie to eat. The pink sparkly frosting was the only one he could squeeze out on his own.
So we ended up with a teddy bear cookie that looked like this...But it was delicious!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It's been a while since I've posted, except for the three I just did about Halloween, fall, and Christmas cards, you should check them out. I have just been so exhausted at the end of the day that I can't even bring myself to blog. Today I have no extra kiddos due to illness and dr. apointments on their end. So today, I'm taking time for me and my kids. Collin and I have already mixed cookie dough and are letting it sit in the fridge before we roll and cut, bake and decorate. During the week I have no time for fun stuff with Collin. Having 2 other babies in the house, one that is very needy, makes it hard to do crafts and games. Yesterday I had a kid cry so much that he threw up. I had already changed him, fed him, he had napped, had his paci, toys, blanky.... I had tried everything. This is our normal Monday routine, aside from the vomit. That doesn't happen every week Thank God! So I finally had to tell mom that it's not working out. I can't do it anymore. It's not fair to him to be sad all the time, and it's not fair to me and my kids to have to listen to him scream all day. I feel like a failure, but I'm just tired of trying. I quit teaching to spend more time with my kids, and we are stuck in the house all day because with other babies it's hard to get out. I'm exploring the idea of doing Avon so that I can make extra money without having to have x number of kids. I'm hoping that next year I can just take my friend's baby, and maybe some drop ins. I was supposed to meet with the Avon rep the other day but she did not show up, and did not return my call. Does that annoy anyone else?
I recently went to a an Uppercase Living party at a friend's house and found a sign that I need in my house. It reads: "Grand me patience to deal with my blessings". So true some days.
And on that note. I'm done complaining. Look at some photos of my adorable children, and be sure to check out my other posts from today to see even more cute pictures!

Oh, here is a picture of a project that I just finished. The polka dots are fleece and the puppy side is flannel. It's a blanket for Ronan to keep warm in the car. Next I need to make one for Collin.

funtastic fall

Here are some photos of some of the fun we had before it got super cold and started to snow.

Halloween 2009

So this post is a little late, but that's not the point. The point is, my kids are cute.
My little Monster
Handy Manny
With Grandma and Grandpa Berry
Our adorable family