
Monday, December 14, 2009

welcome, Evie!

My best friend had her baby yesterday morning! She's absolutely perfect in every way. Evie Ann entered the world at 10:22am on December 13th weighing 7 lbs 4.9 oz and is 17 inches long. Dan and I went to visit them in the hospital and I got to snuggle on her for a little bit. Ah precious baby girl. She was so calm and content wrapped up in her blanket being held by strangers. I can't wait to have her at my house during the day. I told her mommy to bring lots of extra clothes so I can play dress up with her during the day! It will be so much fun to have a girl around the house.
Welcome to the world Evie! We are so glad you are here, safe and sound. You have some pretty amazing parents you lucky girl! Collin and Ronan can't wait to play with you and teach you lots of fun things. You'll be good friends I'm sure. We love you, Evie! And Congratulations Krystal and Patrick!

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