
Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It's been a while since I've posted, except for the three I just did about Halloween, fall, and Christmas cards, you should check them out. I have just been so exhausted at the end of the day that I can't even bring myself to blog. Today I have no extra kiddos due to illness and dr. apointments on their end. So today, I'm taking time for me and my kids. Collin and I have already mixed cookie dough and are letting it sit in the fridge before we roll and cut, bake and decorate. During the week I have no time for fun stuff with Collin. Having 2 other babies in the house, one that is very needy, makes it hard to do crafts and games. Yesterday I had a kid cry so much that he threw up. I had already changed him, fed him, he had napped, had his paci, toys, blanky.... I had tried everything. This is our normal Monday routine, aside from the vomit. That doesn't happen every week Thank God! So I finally had to tell mom that it's not working out. I can't do it anymore. It's not fair to him to be sad all the time, and it's not fair to me and my kids to have to listen to him scream all day. I feel like a failure, but I'm just tired of trying. I quit teaching to spend more time with my kids, and we are stuck in the house all day because with other babies it's hard to get out. I'm exploring the idea of doing Avon so that I can make extra money without having to have x number of kids. I'm hoping that next year I can just take my friend's baby, and maybe some drop ins. I was supposed to meet with the Avon rep the other day but she did not show up, and did not return my call. Does that annoy anyone else?
I recently went to a an Uppercase Living party at a friend's house and found a sign that I need in my house. It reads: "Grand me patience to deal with my blessings". So true some days.
And on that note. I'm done complaining. Look at some photos of my adorable children, and be sure to check out my other posts from today to see even more cute pictures!

Oh, here is a picture of a project that I just finished. The polka dots are fleece and the puppy side is flannel. It's a blanket for Ronan to keep warm in the car. Next I need to make one for Collin.


  1. so no more daycare? What if you just did some older kiddos? I'm sorry it wasn't working out for you:( I love the blankie, very cute! Flannel is awesome, isnt' it?

  2. I'm still doing it through May for sure. Next year I will have my friend's baby no matter what, but I'm not sure about more at this point. Once my kiddos are bigger and going to school I think I could do it, but I'm not sure that I'll take infants again.


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