
Monday, January 26, 2009

monday madness

Every now and then, when I'm in the mood for a good bubble bath, I simply poor in some bubbles and hop in the tub with Collin. There really isn't a time I can take a bath other than when he's already in. So tonight seemed like a perfect night for a bubble bath. The weather is yucky, my back has been achy, and above all, it's Monday. So Collin and I took a bubble bath together, and what a bubble bath it was! I decided to turn on the jets for a nice back massage, which totally freaked Collin out. The best part however was the amazing amount of bubbles the jests created. Had Dan been home I would have made him take pictures. Don't worry, there were so many bubbles in the tub that our heads were all that could be seen. Collin kept trying to sit back down, but then there would be bubbles in his face, and when he tried to wipe them off, he only put more on. We spent a good half hour in the tub laughing and throwing bubbles at one another. It was great.

In other news...

I tried my hand at cutting hair for the first time last night. I decided that it's really not worth 10-15$ to get Collin's hair cut professionally. I mean really, he hardly has any hair. So while he was in the tub last night I gave it a little snip snip. I think I did fairly well for my first time out...?


  1. I think he looks super cute! I cut Matt's hair and Matt cuts Simon's. Not sure what we are going to do with Bennett's. You saw the Patrick Swayze cut. :)

    Thanks for thinking of Matt. He's feeling much better and knows how lucky he was.


  2. Awwwww! What a fun time you two had with the bubbles - those moments are priceless!

    His hair looks great! Speaking of not having any hair to cut...Scott spends $30 every 3 weeks having his cut. LOL


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