
Saturday, February 14, 2009

turn baby, turn

So we've been waiting somewhat impatiently for the baby to turn into the correct position. A couple of weeks ago the doctor told me I was dialated to a 3 and that she would not be surprised if I went a little early. Super! But what if the baby hasn't turned? So my options became, turn the baby with an external version, or have a c-section if he doesn't turn on his own. Neither option was really appealing to me, so we decided we would just wait and see what happens. I spent countless amounts of time on my hands and knees with my booty in the air hoping that through some devine intervention my little guy would gain some sense of direction and turn head down. It wasn't working. So at my last appointment my doctor asked me again if I wanted to try the version. She's had a very good track record with it in her 10 years experience and was very confident that it would work. I still didn't want to do it, but I went home to discuss it with Dan as that or a c-section were looking like our only options.

We talked, and I cried and in the end, my fear of a c-section outweighed my fear of a version. Plus I think I would have kicked myself if I had not given myself the chance for a natural birth.

So on Thursday evening, February 12th, we went in to have the baby turned. Through protocol an anesthesiologist (sp?) came in to explain the epidural process just in case something would happen. Listening to her talk about sticking a needle into my back made me confident that I wanted to try the version.

The process took 3 tries, but only 5 minutes. I have to say that it was NOT comfortable, and was worse than what I remember giving birth to be. Of course I basically had a perfect birthing experience with Collin.

So the version was successful. My baby is now head down and ready to roll. I'm a little sore, but the good news is, there is so little room in there that the chances of him turning back are pretty slim.

Now it's all just a waiting game. Hopefully he gets here soon. We're ready.

Ronan Michael 36 weeks


  1. YAY!!! I'm so glad it went well! Way to go, little Ronan (and mama)!

    We love you guys and I'm so glad you've got a head down baby boy. Score!

    Sending you guys tons of love. He's gorgeous - I love that ultrasound picture!

  2. We tried a version to flip Madeline but she would not budge so I had a c-section. So glad to hear that everything worked out with your little guy.


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