
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

forgive and forget

Isn't it wonderful how kids love you unconditionally? Collin is at that amazing stage in which he forgets in minutes how mad he just was at mommy. I hate losing my patience with him, but hey, it happens. Especially being pregnant and after a super long day of work with some seriously energetic preschoolers. So Collin loves throwing food and then asking ever so politely for more. My reaction: "Are you kidding me? You just covered me in pasta and you're asking for more?" So I take away his food and make him sit without for a while. Then we try again. However, after having food thrown at me 3 times we're done, and he's mad. Now I didn't let him starve or anything. He did eat 2 crackers, a few bites of pasta and half a banana. As he screams at me I say the "magic" words: "Are you ready for a bath?" And through his tears he replies "yeah". And we're done. No more crying. No more yelling. I get the bath water ready, bubbles included and we're laughing and playing again. Aren't kids amazing? I don't know what I would do without my sweet toddler. Temper tantrums and all.

1 comment:

  1. I've definitely been there, pregnant and all. Kiddos are amazing, resilient, and forgiving. Thank the Lord. :) I can imagine that dealing with a wild bunch of kiddos ahead of time can make for some seriously shot nerves, too. Not much longer, darling!


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