
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

back to reality

Today was my first day back at work since our amazing 2 week break for the holidays. Let me just say, after being back, I realized I did not miss it one itsy bitsy teensy weensy bit. Is that sad? Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my kiddos or school or co-workers, I just didn't miss being there. I absolutely loved being home with Collin every day. Sure there are days when he's cranky and drives me bonkers, but I would much rather deal with my own cranky kid than other people's cranky kids.
I'm counting down the days. Only somewhere between 6 and 10 weeks until Ronan gets here which gives me 8 weeks off, and less than 5 months until the end of the school year when I'll be done for good.... Yay!!!


  1. big (((HUGS))) I think that is a perfectly normal feeling! My girls drive me batty, and I wouldn't trade those crazy days for the world!

    I can't believe how close you are, woman! WOW. Time certainly flies. I am so thrilled for you guys, and can't wait to meet baby Ronan.

    Hope you got your HypnoBirthing stuff back out! Get on it! :) Practice is good! I can attest to that!

  2. I haven't read my book again yet, but I have been listening to my relaxation CD nearly every night. I feel much less prepared this time around, but part of that is being at school and not having any time to prepare. All will be well though...happy, positive thoughts.


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