
Monday, January 5, 2009

a bittersweet ending

Winter break has officially come to an end. *sigh* We had a wonderful 2 week break together as a family, but it came to a bittersweet end. Dan's grandma passed away on Friday, January 2, 2009. She was 84 years old.
Last night night the family, and many others, gathered to say a rosary for grandma. At the end some of the grandkids got up to talk about their grandma. What a wonderfully amazing woman. Not only did she raise 12 children, but she managed to instill in them her faith and wonderful sense of humar. Even in her very last days her wit and charm never left her. Listening to all the wondeful things everyone had to say about grandma brought tears to my eyes. I only wish that I had been able to know her longer.

Today was grandma's funeral. Surprisingly I cried more at the rosary than I did today. The service was beautiful with joyful music to celebrate her life, just as grandma would have wanted.

Nearly every grandchild was able to make it back today. It was great to see everyone. Many of the cousins live further away making our get together few and far between. I've always said that though sad, funerals make great reunions.

I am comforted knowing that grandma Rose is now in heaven looking down on us and am sure that she has already met up with my own grandma. I always imagined that if my grandma were still alive today she would have been much like grandma Rose. I only pray that when my time comes people have half as wonderful things to say about me.

We love you grandma!

Dan, Collin and Grandma (Rose Ann Berry) - Halloween 2008

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