
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dylee Bug!

It's hard to believe that an entire year has gone by since the day I first held you in my arms. You have changed our lives (for the better) in so many ways. You bring so much joy to my world.

Later today we will celebrate your birthday with a few friends and family. You'll get to have cake for the first time, and open lots of presants that I probably won't be able to find a place for. At the end of the day, I'll nurse you for the last time. It's bittersweet. I'm ready to be done, but not ready to let you grow up.

These days you are full of so much personality! You dance and sing whenever you hear music, or if I simply say "Dylee, can you dance?" You are incredible.

Your favorite word is "okay". I must say it a lot for it to be one of your first words, but sometimes you say it so clear that if I'm not looking at you I think it was one of your brothers. You're such a smart boy.

One week before your birthday you finally took 2 steps and can now take about 8. I've been trying to get you to walk for a while, but you have your own schedule. There is no hurry to grow up. When I stand you to make you walk, you get a huge grin on your face and lunge at me. It's your favorite game. You giggle with delight as you hit my hands and quickly push yourself up for more. You are my sweet, silly little boy.

Next week we are going to get your hair cut for the first time (aside from when I trimmed your bangs in April because you couldn't see). I love your long, shaggy, surfer boy hair. It's soft, and keeps you looking like a baby. At the back of your neck there are some wispy curls. I love them! I will be so sad when we cut them off because I am almost positive that they will not grow back. You're the handsomest 1 year old ever! No matter what your hair looks like!

*We go to the doctor tomorrow and will get all of your stats then. I think you weigh about 21 pounds. You wear size 4 diapers, though size 3 would probably still fit, the 4's keep you from leaking at night.
*You only take your pacifier when you are going to sleep and have been doing this for over a month.
*You still love your blankie and cannot sleep without it.
*You are really into playing with cars. They make you giggle.
* Mommy is still your favorite person.
* You wear size 3 shoes, but we need to find them in wide. 4's are too big, but regular 3's are almost too narrow.
* You wear mostly 12 month clothing though some or your shorts are wierd and you cans till wear 6 months in them.
* You love to play in the water. Bathtime, swimming pool, sprinkler, water table. It doesn't matter. You love water.

You are such an amazing baby little boy. You love your brothers and follow them everywhere. I look forward to celebrating all of your future birthdays, but try not to grow up too fast. I love you!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

fun in the sun

This weekend we spent a lot of time having fun in the sun. It was so beautiful on Sunday that we Dan took Collin out to teach him how to finally pedal his bike. He got this bike for his 2nd birthday and just now has the motivation to actually try.

Can you tell that my husband is a teacher?
Here is a video of Collin riding his bike.

It was so hot out that I filled the water table up and let the boys have at it.
 I'm thinking that Dylan enjoyed it.

 Then Dan decided that since it was hot, and the yard needed watered anyhow (notice how we have very little grass?) that he would just turn the sprinkler on for the boys.
 We bought this sprinkler a couple years ago. It shoots water out the middle, and fromt he bottom. You put balls into the clear part which is like a twisty slide and they shoot out the middle with the water. On Sunday we must have had it at the perfect angle, with just the right amount of water pressure because the balls would stay susbended in the hair for nearly 20 seconds. It was awesome.

I'm so ready for summer so that we can play like this every day!

Monday, May 23, 2011

he blogs

My husband used to make fun of me for blogging. Then he joked about starting his own blog. Then he sort of joked about starting a blog and writing movie reviews. A few days ago, he started a blog. Welcome to the blog world, honey!

He would probably kill me if he knew I had this picture up. Good thing he doesn't really read my blog :)
He's no expert on movies, but he pays attention to detail, enjoys writing, and loves a good discussion. Go ahead, argue with him. He would totally love it!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


While I was feeding Dylan yogurt for breakfast this morning he started saying "more" and signing it witout me even prompting him. It was adorable! So I ran and grabbed the camera, and of course he decided he was no longer going to sign it. I did capture him saying it though.  He's become so vocal lately. Mostly babbling of course, but he does say "more" "okay" and "go" along with the usual mama and dada. I love it!
Isn't he so sweet?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

my pride and joy

I took these pictures a week or so ago when I was playing with the boys in the backyard. Sometimes I take way too many pictures because I can't get over how incredible my kids are. I sit out back and watch them playing like tiny little people (which I realize they are but it still amazes me).
 Ronan looking serious on the swings
 Dyl's first time getting to really play in the sandbox...
he loved it

 My 3 boys playing so nice together
 My big boy, Collin. He can be crazy, but he's so helpful and loving

 I don't know what I would do without these boys. I am so thankful to be able to stay home with them, even if it means money is tight. There are times when I sit and watch them and my heart swells with so much pride and love that I almost cry. I know, I know. I'm such a girl. But seriously, they're amazing.

Friday, May 13, 2011

what every mother fears

On Thursdays I watch my friend's little girl for a few hours. Yesterday I walked back into the bedroom where they were playing to find this...
 Thank God they are young!
On the other hand, earlier that morning I found my 3 boys like this...

I'm so glad they love each other.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

another great giveaway!

My friend over at The "Linc" Between Us is doing another great giveaway. She is celebrating having 100 followers (isn't that amazing? I'd be celebrating to if 100 people cared what I had to say!) and this time she's giving away something that she made herself!

Isn't this necklace beautiful? She's thinking about opening her own Etsy shop. I think she would do really well with one.

All you have to do to enter is head over to her blog, become a follower, and leave her a comment. It's that simple.
So go already!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

I hope that all you mommies had a fantastic Mother's Day and that your children spoiled you! My boys bought me a gift certificate to a new place called Color Me Mine. I'm very excited to go with the boys to use it. Color Me Mine is a shop where you pick out a piece (bowl, plate, cup....some kind of pottery) and paint it however you want. They then fire it for you so that you can take it home! I think I'm going to have the boys make me a coffee mug.
For my mom and mother in law this year we wanted to do a personalized gift.
Here is a picture of what it looks like....
Adorable, right? No, I didn't make it. I met a lady at the consignment sale I worked over spring break who makes these. Her and her twin sister have a site called Doublemint Designs. They have a lot of different styles to choose from and the price was great.
I think that the grandmas really liked their gift. It's the perfect size to fit on their desk at work.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

online shopping made easy

I love shopping online. There isn’t the stress of finding a parking place, or having to get 3 children in and out of the car at every stop. It’s so much easier to compare prices from the comfort of my own home using my computer. I can bookmark pages to easily come back to them as soon as I’ve made my decision. There are a million different sites out there to shop on and I was recently introduced to a new one by my sister. is a one-stop shop for nearly all of your shopping needs. You can simply type in what you’re looking for and the site brings up a list of everything meeting your search criteria. It lists items from different stores in the same category so that you can compare prices right there! No more having to bounce from site to site, or store to store! How is it that they made online shopping even easier?

You can find tons of great things here, and at great prices. Everything from Hello Kitty Car Accessories to Lawn Mowers can be found in one place. In the market for a new digital camera? Check out their listings for Nikon cameras. You’ll never have to spend hours upon hours shopping for that perfect gift again!

Monday, May 2, 2011

a belated birthday wish

Dan celebrated his 28th birthday last weekend (the 23rd) but with it being Easter weekend and all I haven't had time to post about it. Over all I think he had a good day.
We started out the morning by bringing Dan breakfast in bed.
We figured it wouldn't really be fun for him to sit in bed and eat alone, so we all joined in. Needless to say, the sheets had to be washed afterwards. My kids aren't exactly known for being neat.
Aren't my boys so handsome?

Dan then opened his birthday gift from the boys. The new Harry Potter on BluRay. I think he liked it.
My husband is cool.
We spent the day just hanging out, trying to keep Dan from having to do too many chores. For dinner that night we had chicken fajitas, Mexican rice and homemade guacamole followed by birthday "cake". Dan requested a giant cookie instead, and I must say, I make one amazing giant cookie.
Happy Belated Birthday, Love! You're amazing. I hope you enjoyed your day week(s).
I We love you!