
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dylee Bug!

It's hard to believe that an entire year has gone by since the day I first held you in my arms. You have changed our lives (for the better) in so many ways. You bring so much joy to my world.

Later today we will celebrate your birthday with a few friends and family. You'll get to have cake for the first time, and open lots of presants that I probably won't be able to find a place for. At the end of the day, I'll nurse you for the last time. It's bittersweet. I'm ready to be done, but not ready to let you grow up.

These days you are full of so much personality! You dance and sing whenever you hear music, or if I simply say "Dylee, can you dance?" You are incredible.

Your favorite word is "okay". I must say it a lot for it to be one of your first words, but sometimes you say it so clear that if I'm not looking at you I think it was one of your brothers. You're such a smart boy.

One week before your birthday you finally took 2 steps and can now take about 8. I've been trying to get you to walk for a while, but you have your own schedule. There is no hurry to grow up. When I stand you to make you walk, you get a huge grin on your face and lunge at me. It's your favorite game. You giggle with delight as you hit my hands and quickly push yourself up for more. You are my sweet, silly little boy.

Next week we are going to get your hair cut for the first time (aside from when I trimmed your bangs in April because you couldn't see). I love your long, shaggy, surfer boy hair. It's soft, and keeps you looking like a baby. At the back of your neck there are some wispy curls. I love them! I will be so sad when we cut them off because I am almost positive that they will not grow back. You're the handsomest 1 year old ever! No matter what your hair looks like!

*We go to the doctor tomorrow and will get all of your stats then. I think you weigh about 21 pounds. You wear size 4 diapers, though size 3 would probably still fit, the 4's keep you from leaking at night.
*You only take your pacifier when you are going to sleep and have been doing this for over a month.
*You still love your blankie and cannot sleep without it.
*You are really into playing with cars. They make you giggle.
* Mommy is still your favorite person.
* You wear size 3 shoes, but we need to find them in wide. 4's are too big, but regular 3's are almost too narrow.
* You wear mostly 12 month clothing though some or your shorts are wierd and you cans till wear 6 months in them.
* You love to play in the water. Bathtime, swimming pool, sprinkler, water table. It doesn't matter. You love water.

You are such an amazing baby little boy. You love your brothers and follow them everywhere. I look forward to celebrating all of your future birthdays, but try not to grow up too fast. I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday little one!

    By the way, you won the Peartree Greetings Invites on my blog. :) Email me ASAP so I can get you your prize.


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