
Monday, July 26, 2010

what moms can't do

There is a really cute book series that my boys love and one of them is titled "What Moms Can't Do". This book is all about the things we do every day that the kids just HAVE to help with. I'm sure that every mom can relate. In the last year or so I have learned that I can not make cookies without help from Collin. Or without making a mess.

On Saturday Collin helped me make Banana Chip Cookies. They were super yummy and we had a lot of fun making them.

First my super cute helper mixed the batter.

Then said helper taste tested the batter. (This is a very important step.)

Next he made sure that there was sufficient mess to keep mommy busy cleaning for a while.

We put the batter on the tray.Cooked them to perfection. And most importantly, tested the finished product.

I think they were a hit.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

the countdown begins

So 2 weeks from Monday, we're back to reality. Dan doesn't actually go back until Tuesday the 10th, but everyone else, including myself, begin work on the 9th. That means no more sleeping in until 8:00am every morning. No more Berry Family Fun Day each Thursday. No more having my husband home with us every day. I'm somewhat ready to get back into more of a routine, but a little frightened at the thought of being home alone with 5-6 kids every day. Collin being the oldest. Yikes! Lord give me strength!

On the bright side, next week is Dan's last week working at the Y. He is more than ready to be done with it. That means he'll have one whole week of nothing to do before school starts. Nothing but paint the shed and lay new flooring in the kitchen anyhow. :)

But I don't like to think about returning to work, or all the work that has to be done around the house. Instead, let's all think about my super cute children.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

weeks 2-6

I can't believe that Dylan is already 6 weeks old! Actually 6 weeks and 3 days, but who's counting?
I don't know where his 1 week picture is. Maybe on the other camera disk, but here are pictures for weeks 2 - 6.
2 weeks
3 weeks

4 weeks

1 month
5 weeks

6 weeks
I'll try to get better about posting pictures, but no promises. Life with 3 boys under the age of 3 is BUSY!