
Monday, July 26, 2010

what moms can't do

There is a really cute book series that my boys love and one of them is titled "What Moms Can't Do". This book is all about the things we do every day that the kids just HAVE to help with. I'm sure that every mom can relate. In the last year or so I have learned that I can not make cookies without help from Collin. Or without making a mess.

On Saturday Collin helped me make Banana Chip Cookies. They were super yummy and we had a lot of fun making them.

First my super cute helper mixed the batter.

Then said helper taste tested the batter. (This is a very important step.)

Next he made sure that there was sufficient mess to keep mommy busy cleaning for a while.

We put the batter on the tray.Cooked them to perfection. And most importantly, tested the finished product.

I think they were a hit.


  1. your boys have such neat names! i bet you are one busy girl. i have one son, almost 2, and a baby girl, who's 9 wks. love my job as a SAHM!

  2. He is getting so big! What a cutie! Love you guys! Ashley


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