
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Not My Child! Monday

So this week, I'm confessing the things that my children did not do. Isn't MckMama so creative?

So it's actually Tuesday... I was a little preoccupied with surgery to post yesterday!
There is no way that my sweet baby Ronan woke up at 2:30 the other night, ate, and was not asleep. I did not wake his father to rock him back to sleep so that I could go back to sleep. At 3:50 my beautiful baby was not awake again. I did not feed him because he wasn't hungry, and then realize that he was still awake. I did not have to take him downstairs as rocking was not working. My sweet baby boy was not all smiles and ready to play. Not my baby! He sleeps through the night (I wish). I did not put him in the swing, turn the lights out, check my e-mail and such, and then attempt to fall asleep myself while he lay wideeyedandbushytailed in the swing.

He did not follow a similar pattern a few nights later.

On Thursday morning I did not hear my almost 2 year old count to 4 completely on his own. We have been counting with him a lot for various activities and he has basically mastered counting to 3. But 4? That's crazy!

My sweet 4 1/2 month old has not recently decided that he wants to crawl...really bad. He does not get up on all fours and then get really angry when he slips and has made it nowhere. I do not think this is kind of funny.

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