
Monday, July 27, 2009

back to the land of the living

I feel like I've been out of the real world for the past week or so. Last Monday I had my hernia surgery. The wait was long, the surgery was short, and the pain was bearable. I'm still sore, but at least I can move without wincing. It's still somewhat difficult to feed Ronan simply because he lays right on my stomach as I'm nursing him, but we're working around the pain. I don't go back for my follow up until the 6th, so until then I'm lifting as little as possible. Ronan is about my limit, and occasionally I break the rules and lift my Collin. The poor baby has been missing mommy loves and has gotten a little feisty.
Last week we also got our window well installed in the basement. They weren't supposed to be here till the end of August but had an opening and got it done sooner. Yay! Now tomorrow I have a couple coming over to interview me for daycare. Yikes! I'm a little nervous, but aside from our wall not being complete, the house is ready. Once I get the basement finished I can get the official paperwork, but until then it's hard to pass an inspection. However, it will be done before school starts up again.
(above: before)
(below: after - the wall and ceiling are not done. We still have taping, mudding, sanding, priming, painting)My etsy site is up and running. You may have noticed the pictures at the top. I received and e-mail today from a lady who is in charge of her church's craft fair inviting my to have a booth in October. Maybe. I think I'm gonna shoot for doing the Maize Fall Festival in October though. We attend anyway so maybe I can at least sell enough to pay for the we'll have there!
With me staying home, not teaching, no longer receiving free health insurance, and starting a daycare, money is going to be tight this fall. We're going to have to cut back on some of our luxuries such as cable, but I have every confidence that my daycare will be a success and we won't go bankrupt. After all, the Good Lord is on my side with this one.
My Ronan is now 5 months old and ready to crawl. He gets up and in position and just rocks back and forth. The poor baby gets so mad when he doesn't make it anywhere. Soon enough he'll be chasing Collin around. He also got to eat cereal for the first time on Sunday. Such a big boy!Collin will be 2 in a about 3 weeks. I have made a total of 2 invitations for his party, and I have about 15 to go.... What was I thinking when I decided to hand make ALL of the invitations?

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