
Thursday, June 18, 2009

squeels of delight

Ronan has found a new voice, and he uses it A LOT. I absolutely love it and can't help but laugh at his high pitched squeels of joy! Sorry the picture is so dark. The lighting in our basement isn't great.

I couldn't pass up this photo opportunity.

Do you think maybe my boys have seen daddy play video games?
Collin doesn't enjoy being like daddy at all... can you tell?

I've been playing with my camera setting trying to get the pictures to come out the way I want them to. If only I could find the manual. So I took about 50 pictures today as I played. Here are two of my favorites.

It's rare to get a picture of Collin's face because he is either running at, or away from the camera.

I personally like the drool on his lip. It's rare to see him without drool on his lip, chin, chest, arms and all over whoever is holding him.

Along with playing video games with daddy, Collin has been working on a future as an artist. Unfortunately, his canvas today happened to be the ottoman. I don't think that he was so much trying to draw on it as he was enjoying the fun noise that it made.

One final thought:

Please pray for baby Stellan. He has begun having bouts of SVT again and it is becoming increasingly more difficult to bring him out. Stellan had to be taken to the emergency room today as the vagal manovers aren't working as well as hoped. To read Stellan's full story you can click on his link in my side bar.


  1. The pictures are looking good! Glad you're playing with your camera, though you are so right...the manual would be helpful. Still, it is hard to take a great pic with such precious little subjects! :)

    So happy to spend time with you this week. We love you guys! (Love Collin's artwork, too. Eek!)

  2. Hi Samantha! This is Chloe from Four and Now More. You stopped by when reading my Not Me! Mondays. You entered a guess in my contest and have won!!!! You guessed my sweet baby boy would weigh 7lbs 6oz and he weighed 7 lbs 6.8oz. They round up to 7lbs 7oz but dang girl - you were right on in my book! LOL So - if you would like some lovely spa pampering items mailed to you, please email me by Monday. Leave your name, address, and thoughts on winning! chloescornercloset at Thanks!


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