
Monday, June 15, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Not Me! Monday was created by McKMama as a way to confess all the things that you did not do over the week. It's fun, and refreshing. If you'd like to join in, head over to McKMama's for the official rules!

I did not at any point this week get super frustrated with my whiney hiney terrible not-quite 2 year old. He has not been driving me, and my husband, bananas with his refusal to eat anything but sweets, unless of course it comes off of daddy's plate. Yesterday I did not take him outside pantless and barefoot to make a volcano with an empty bottle, baking soda, and vinegar. This was not in an attempt to save my husband's sanity, and the super awesome volcano experiment I planned did not fail due to lack of ingredients. I do not plan to keep my cabinet fully stocked with science experiment tools for future emergencies.
Yesterday, I did not spend nearly an hour scrubbing my kitchent with vinegar in an attempt to finally get it cleaned after a busy week. My husband does not dislike the smell of vinegar. He does not cringe whenever I decide to clean with it.
Right now, I am not letting my nearly 4 month old watch music videos on CMT while I write this. No way. Babies should not be left to be entertained by television.
Earlier today I did not go to the doctor to investigate a sharp pain I've been having above my belly button. Earlier in the week my husband did not freak out about it after researching symptoms on the internet. He did not make me take a pregnancy test to be safe. It did not come back negative and we are not jumping for joy praising the good Lord! At the doctor this morning I was not told that I have a small hernia, and I have not been referred to a surgeon. I am not completely freaking out about this.
I am currently not planning on taking a nap with Ronan as soon as I log off...


  1. don't freak about the hernia! I got one during my pregnancy w/ Nathan and still have not gotten it's pretty gross looking, a marshmellow glued to where my belly button should be!

  2. Sweet. You can't see mine, but I'll have to take care of it before August because our insurance will change and they won't cover it.


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