
Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's Monday once again. Time to confess all the things I did not do this past week. If you have something you're feeling guilty about and would like to confess, join in the Monday madness by going to MckMama's blog and checking out the official rules.

This past week I have not been so obsessed with cleaning my house that I neglected my children at any point. I did not leave my children to play happily alone so that I could sweep, dust, vacuum, or pick up toys. I am not super psyched that my bedroom has been clean with a made bed for 5 whole days. My husband did not make the bed 2 of those days and I am not proud of him.

I have not been so tired the last few days that I fell asleep rocking Ronan while Collin ran around being crazy. I would never do that. I do not think that getting up to feed Ronan 2-3 times a night, or getting up at 6:30 every morning to work out, has anything to do with it. I have not been motivated to exercise by my super awesome husband who is not decidedly training to run a half marathon in September, or by the fact that I currently do not hate my body. No way. I love my flabby stomach and the way my butt has an extra ripple under it. I do not think that after 4 months my body should look better.

Speaking of 4 months, my sweet baby Ronan is not now 4 months old. *sigh* We did not go in for his well baby check up, and he did not weigh 15lbs 6oz and was not 24 3/4 inches long. This is not close to Collins stats at 8 months.

I do not wish I had pictures of my sweet baby to post, but I have not been too lazy to take pictures.

That is not all I have. Do not have a nice day!


  1. clean rooms are a blessing from GOD! :)
    I think we should all be giving a housekeeper with the birth of a child! :)
    your kiddo's are darling--cute names too :)


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