
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

a clean routine

I've been using FlyLady to help me organize my house/life and get into a good routine of keeping things clean and organized. Having a clean house will be especially important once the daycare starts (which I have a potential client to possibly start in September). One of the things FlyLady tells you to do is create a control journal. This is a journal to write your routine in to help you accomplish things. My goals for today:

make the bed(daily)
make Collin's bed (daily)
clean the kitchen (daily)
clean bathroom sinks
clean mirrors
vacuum living room
put beroom things away (I/we deep cleaned the bedroom yesterday and I had a few items that belonged downstairs to put away)

What I actually accomplished:

made the bed (I didn't get to Collin's. Sometimes it just seems pointless to make his bed)
cleaned the kitchen (twice actually)
jeans (washed and dried, not folded)
towels (washed and dried, not folded)
put dedroom things away
vacuumed living room (and hallway and bedrooms)
cleaned bathroom sinks
cleaned ink stains out of the ottoman
cleaned a soda stain out of the carpet

All this on top of caring for and loving on my 2SC (2 small children). I kind of felt like supermom. Tomorrow I will tackle the basement.

Thanks FlyLady! Now if I can only keep up with this routine. Each night before bed I will make my list for the following day. I will also put all of the toys away and shine my sink before bed so that when I wake up, my sink smiles at me!

Next step: convince husband to let me paint part of the kitchen red.


  1. Good luck with flylady! My mom uses the program, I think. I tend to get superbitchy when dealing with lists of things I "have" to do. Basically, I pick up daily because Scott is an anal-retentive crazy man who dislikes disorder! :) I used to be a giant fan of the checklist before I met him...I did do laundry today!

    P.S. Do you want to come over Sunday at 6pm? Just ladies. Just fun. New counters to show off! :)

  2. Oh, and tell Dan that he should't be afraid of color. ;)


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