
Thursday, May 14, 2009

thankful thursday

I've been forgetting to post things that I'm thankful for so here we go...

  1. my adorable children

  2. my incredible husband

  3. my amazing para who keeps me sane at work

  4. my new Nintendo DS - keeps me from being bored in the closet while I pump

  5. yarn - crocheting is fun - if only there were more hours in the day

  6. outdoor recess

  7. my car - I had to drive Dan's little Honda the other day and it totally made me appreciate my Explorer. I love my big car!

  8. baby bellies

  9. Family Feud - we like to watch it at lunch time

  10. Ronan only waking up twice last night. 1:00 and 4:45. Not too bad.

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