
Sunday, May 17, 2009

sunday adventures

My big boy is finally able to successfully drink from a cup without a huge mess. (the milk on the table is actually from his cereal)

Collin has come such a long way from eating with his fingers. I love how his second hand has to guide the spoon.

Today we went to the zoo for the members only preview of the Slawson Tiger Treck. The line was really long to get in, but the exhibit was pretty cool, and the tigers are beautiful.

I think Ronan really enjoyed the trip.


  1. Such a big boy! :) Rylie is drinking from a sippy cup now...but she still tends to choke a little because she gets too much. I can't tell you how jealous I am that you are getting to stay at home with your boys. I am really struggling with this because I can not commit 100% either way. :( I miss my baby girl so much but I don't know if I want to lose my income. And yes, it makes me feel so guilty that my decision is based on money...EVIL world we live in, right?! :)

  2. It is a tough decision, and trust me, money has been an issue for us as well. I'll be doing daycare and possibly selling Avon, along with selling blankets and such that I crochet. Busy busy buy. Don't feel guilty. Always know that you are doing what is best for your family.


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