
Monday, April 27, 2009

wild weekend

It was a good, and eventful weekend. Friday evening Dan grilled steaks, I made cheesey potatoes, devilled eggs, and brownie bottom cheesecake. A delicious dinner as a continued celebration of Dan's birthday. He believes that he gets an entire week to celebrate.

Saturday Ronan helped me fold laundry

and then became bored and fell asleep.
I am amazed that he will lay on the floor an put himself to sleep. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the Tylenol given for his shots.

Dan's brother, Rob, came over that evening to deliver Dan's birthday gift. A surround sound system. Yay for big brothers who love to spend money on others.

I rearranged the basement in preparation for the daycare - though there is still work to be done, and then we headed to my parents house for yet another birthday dinner for Dan. This time we had ribs, cheesey potatoes, macaroni salad and the rest of the devilled eggs.

Collin also got to go swimming.
Ronan put on his suit and looked super cute, but did not get in.Sunday morning we went to church, did some cleaning. Dan re-caulked the bathtub. (the idiots here before us did a horrible job). Went to dinner with Dan's family at Texas Roadhouse for another birthday dinner. Dan and Rob finished setting up the surround sound and rigged some foil and buckets to catch the water spouting into our laundry room. That was a serious amount of rain we got!

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, that sleeping picture of Ronan is so sweet! I, too, am amazed he'll just drift off to sleep on his own. What a good boy! (I am jealous. Big time!)

    Sounds like Dan had quite the celebration!


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