
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

terrific tuesday

It's my last week home with my sweet baby before going back to work. Luckily I then only have 4 weeks until I'm done. I was looking forward to a relaxing day of sleeping in and then doing a little laundry, but now, instead of Collin being sick, Dan is sick. Because Dan caulked the bathtub on Sunday, I was unable to shower yesterday, which meant I wasn't leaving the house this morning to take Collin to daycare, which meant no shower for me again. After about 60 hours of not showering, I started to smell a little funky. Luckily, while both boys took a nap this afternoon I was able to jump in.
Dan spent the entire day hiding in the bedroom to keep from getting anyone else sick. Since he spent the day in our bed, Ronan and I are now camped out downstairs on the air mattress. Dan offered to sleep downstairs, but that would have meant having to wash and change the sheets first, plus, he probably should be closer to the bathroom. Oh well. A little camp out might be fun. I like having my little man snuggled up next to me, though I'll miss having my big man next to me tonight. I'm keeping the faith that eventually my whole family will be well, and that Ronan and I will be able to dodge the sickness.

Amid all the sickness, I would like to point out a few things I am thankful for. I mean, what's the point in dwelling on the negative?
  1. a sweet baby boy sleeping next to me
  2. watching Playhouse Disney in surround sound
  3. Collin using 2 of Ronan's Soothie pacies to make boobies for himself (seriously. he layed on the floor and put 2 of them down his shirt. he stood up and got mad when they fell out. maybe he watches a little too closely as I nurse Ronan?)
  4. having only 4 weeks left of work
  5. parents and in-laws who live 5 minutes away

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