
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

dinner and a movie

Last night was a good family night. After a long weekend without Dan, (he was at state wrestling in Topeka) we celebrated the end of wrestling season by ordering pizza and watching a movie together. Since Collin loves to sing and dance we watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang which we ordered from Netflix. Dan had never seen the movie before so I made him add it to our que. I mean come on, it's a classic!

In true family fashion we watched our movie while eating our pizza. This was a new experience for Collin but he did really well. We pulled his little table and chairs over and put the splash mat under it. He was so cute munching on his pizza and bouncing up and down to the music. I cut up his pizza like I always do, which he devoured, but he then grabbed a piece of my plate and started chomping away. I guess my baby doesn't need me to cut his food any more.

By the way, it takes 3 times as long to type when you only have one hand to do it with. No I didn't lose a hand, I have a nursing baby attached to one side.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

1 month

Ronan is already 1 month old and I can't believe it. He's growing so fast! Collin was in his nb clothes for nearly 2 months, but Ronan is already moving up to 0-3 months. What a big boy!

On the blanket my cousin Stephanie made for him.

The boys "playing" together

Almost 5 weeks old - I LOVE his chubby cheeks!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

spring break in pictures

We've had quite an eventful spring break.

On March 15th Ronan was baptized...

On the 16th we spent the afternoon at the zoo with my mom, younger sister and my grandpa...

and on the 17th we went to the Sedgwick County Park...

This is Collin enjoying the park...

and this is Ronan enjoying the park...

We also got to feed the ducks while we were there. Collin loved getting to throw bread into the water, but for some reason he always threw it in the opposite direction of the ducks. Silly boy.

Him and his daddy sure looked cute though!

The rest of the week was spent being lazy around the house. We had lunch/dinner with my parents and sister on Wednesday to say goodbye to Dani before she headed back to Oregon. It was really good getting to spend time with her over the last several days. We miss you already Dani and can't wait till your next trip back to Kansas!

Tomorrow should be another fairly lazy day except for a trip to the dr. Saturday Dan will be at wrestling all day, and then we have Sunday together as a family before spring break officially ends. *sigh*

Friday, March 13, 2009

spring break

Spring Break is officially here! Yay! Okay, so I've been home for 3 weeks already, but now I have my hubby home as well, except for when he goes to wrestling practice and tournaments. Lucky for me he has today off as well so he can help me finish cleaning the house before Ronan's baptism on Sunday. I've gotten the upstairs cleaned, but the basement is a MESS! I haven't even attempted it yet because I know that the second I pick up toys, Collin will have them out again. It will probably be a last minute, just before we walk out the door for church, job. Today he took nearly a 2 and a half our nap in there. Hopefully this means tonight will be a good night of sleep in the cradle so that mommy can spread out.
Tomorrow evening we are supposed to do family pictures with my parents and sisters. Luckily my mom will be able to come over and help me get ready. Without a little help, there is no chance of me looking decent for these pictures. I plan on holding at least one child during all pictures to hide my body. It is nothing to be proud of at this point, but I WILL get my body back.
Anyhow, here are a couple pictures of my adorable children.

I still can't decide who he looks like

This is what happens when we eat spaghetti

Friday, March 6, 2009

"oh the weather outsides delightful"

The weather the last couple of days has been b-e-a-utiful! I have enjoyed picking Collin up from daycare (yes though I'm home he is going to daycare to stay in the routine. I pick him up early though) and playing in the backyard. He loves kicking his Spiderman soccer ball around, and recently discovered that sidewalk chalk is much more fun when you use it on daddy's shed. That's what daddy gets for not having painted it yet I guess!
Ronan enjoyed chilling nearly naked in the sun.
The weather was also perfect for a hair cuts. I got my hair cut yesterday (the first time since before Thanksgiving) costing me $25, thanks to a $10 discount from my good friend Maria. Cutting my boys hair however, free! We bought some trimmers so I can cut their hair myself. Thanks to the beautiful weather I didn't have to sweep up any hair in my kitchen. Don't worry, we sat out back instead of being hillbillies on the front porch!

In other news...

I finally made my birthstone bracelet with my boys names on it.

The picture isn't very good cause I couldn't get the lighting right. It has their names and birthstones.