
Friday, March 6, 2009

"oh the weather outsides delightful"

The weather the last couple of days has been b-e-a-utiful! I have enjoyed picking Collin up from daycare (yes though I'm home he is going to daycare to stay in the routine. I pick him up early though) and playing in the backyard. He loves kicking his Spiderman soccer ball around, and recently discovered that sidewalk chalk is much more fun when you use it on daddy's shed. That's what daddy gets for not having painted it yet I guess!
Ronan enjoyed chilling nearly naked in the sun.
The weather was also perfect for a hair cuts. I got my hair cut yesterday (the first time since before Thanksgiving) costing me $25, thanks to a $10 discount from my good friend Maria. Cutting my boys hair however, free! We bought some trimmers so I can cut their hair myself. Thanks to the beautiful weather I didn't have to sweep up any hair in my kitchen. Don't worry, we sat out back instead of being hillbillies on the front porch!

In other news...

I finally made my birthstone bracelet with my boys names on it.

The picture isn't very good cause I couldn't get the lighting right. It has their names and birthstones.

1 comment:

  1. The bracelet is very pretty! I need to find a place around here I can make one at...I went to Kay Wiggins to make mine before. So where is the picture of YOUR hair cut? Lol


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