
Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We all knew this day would come. I'm sure every mom has experienced the day when their toddler learns to remove their own diaper and goes running naked through the house. Yup. Today was our day. I changed Collin's diaper this morning and set him loose while I looked for clothes for him to wear. When I walked out of his room he was butt naked in the hallway, laughing and running away from me. I knew it would happen sooner or later cause he's been trying to pull it off for about a week now. Seeing his naked little butt running down the hallway was just too cute. We couldn't help but laugh at him. Luckily I caught him before he had time to pee on anything!

Thankful Tuesday...

I'm thankful today for the beautiful weather we had. We had to take Collin in for his routine blood work and because our doctor's office is only about 6 blocks away, we left early and walked to the park to play before going to the doctor. If only all of winter could be this mild.

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