
Sunday, December 28, 2008

a long post Christmas update...

Well Christmas is here and gone already, but I have to say that it was a wonderful holiday. Luckily we still have a whole week off from school before we have to go back. We got to spend time with nearly all of the family and had a great time just getting to be together. (We even got to spend some extra quality time with my grandpa because he came and stayed with my parents for nearly 6 days.) By the end of it all however, Collin was a little overwhelmed. Eventually he gave up on opening presents and left mommy and daddy to do it all.

On Christmas Eve we had the Klein Family Christmas at my parents' house. Santa always makes a visit to this event. Unfortunately, Collin was a little scared of Santa. He loves to say "ho ho ho" when he sees pictures of him, but wasn't so fond of him in person.
On Christmas morning Collin got a new table and chairs from Santa that he LOVES! He opened it first, and the rest of the presents had to come to him at the table because he refused to leave.

At Grammy and Papa's he was done after opening his Handy Manny tool set.

The rest of the day was spent at the Berry Family Christmas enjoying more time with family. By the end of it all we were all exhausted and ready for a good nights sleep.

Fast forward to post Christmas activities...
I have been trying to finish up painting Ronan's room (Dan's brother bought us ALL of our baby furniture for Christmas and I have to finish the room so we can put it all in there) and have found the task to be a lot more time consuming than I orignally anticipated. I had this great idea to paint a striped border around the room that matches the bedding, but took me nearly 2 hours just to paint a 3 foot section. I might be here till March finishing it all. As long as it's done before Ronan arrives!

This is the beautiful snow that fell while I was painting on Saturday...

The next 2 pictures were just too cute to leave out...

This is Collin super excited about the new toy chest that Papa (my dad) just finished making for him.

And this is Collin modeling his new monkey pajamas.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww, what a wonderful Christmas! Love the pics, and the room is looking cute! Take it easy, Mama! (Though I know you have freakish bursts of energy right now! :) Haha!)


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