
The Daddy

Ah, my husband. What an amazing man. I probably don't tell him that often enough, but he's pretty awesome. After all, he puts up with me, and Lord knows that is no easy task.
Dan is everything that I could have every hoped for, and so much more. He makes me feel safe, he warms my heart, he makes me smile, and he keeps me laughing. He is kind, loving, honest, smart, handsome, ornery, funny, good looking, hard working and a million other things that I won't bore you with, except for one very important characteristic. He is an AMAZING daddy. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he loves our children more than life itself. I know that he would give his life for them without question, and I can't even describe the way it makes me feel to see him interact with them. He knows how to snuggle and comfort when tears are streaming down a sad little face, and he can turn pretty much anything into a game. Our boys adore him, as do I.
Now, aside from home, my husband is a 1st grade teacher. I've had so many parents tell me how awesome he is and how much their child loves having him as a teacher. I of course am not surprised by this. Outside of school and home Dan loves to coach kids club wrestling (which he is taking a year off from at the moment to spend more time with us), enjoys sports, the occasional video game, movies, and being the king of worthless trivia. I mean this with the utmost love and senserity, but the man knows so many random and useless facts. I don't know how he stores them all.
Dan and I have been married since July 1, 2006. He's the love of my life and I couldn't ask for a better husband/father of my children.