
The Boys

Our 3 incredible boys:

The Oldest:

Age: 4
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Game: Handy Manny
Favorite Show: Clifford
When he grows up he wants to be a baseball player (or play all the sports, whatever)
Specal Skills: he's usually really helpful around the house, knows all his numbers, letters and sounds and can do simple addition. He's very loving and enjoys snuggling and reading books.

The Little Middle:

Age: 2 1/2
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Sport: Wrestling
Favorite Game: Handy Manny
Favorite Show: Super Why
He has no idea what he wants to be when he grows up.
Special Skills: He can go from crying crocadile tears to laughing hystarically in a split second. He's loving and cuddly and has an amazing vocabulary for his age.

The "Baby":

Age: 17 months
Favorite Food: almost anything (he really likes pizza, spaghettie and chicken)
Favorite Color: his brothers swear it's orange
Favorite Sport: Anything he can clap and cheer to
Favorite Show: he's not so interested in television (yay!)
Right now we think he's gonna beat out Joey Chesnut for the world hotdog eating title when he grows up :)
Special Skills: He's happy 90% of the time. The kid walks aroudn the house giggling most of the day. He entertains himself and  loves to snuggle. The kid is a dancing fool and loves to sing "Baby Baby" by Justin Bieber.