
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dylan is 2!

Today my sweet baby boy turned 2.
I can't believe how quickly time has gone by. For the first time in nearly 5 years I don't have constant diapers to change or a baby to carry around.
Luckily he's still my snuggly bug.


First thing this morning (after using the potty of course, which is why he's in underwear. He doesn't wear pants around the house these days) Dylan found his presents and headed straight over to start opening them.
 We didnt' even have a chance to stop him before he was on the floor tearing into it.
 The sweet boy even handed his borthers a present thinking that they needed to open one too.
 "It Jake O Pirates!" (Jake and the Neverland Pirates)
 After gifts daddy made ham and cheese omlets upon Dylan's request.
These days he prefers eggs for breakfast over cereal or poptarts. He still loves oatmeal (usually) but would much rather have ham and eggs.

My Sweet Dylan,
I can't even begin to tell you how much joy you have brought into our lives. You are one of the happiest kids I have ever met, but you get your feelings hurt easily when you are told no (especially by Papa). Fo having just turned two, you amaze me with all that you are able to do. You are almost done potty training, can count to 10 and can almost completely sing the alphabet.
I love to watch you play with your brothers. You can be a little stinker at times, getting into the middle of their games just to get a reaction out of them, but they love and adore you.
You've become Mr. Independant over the last year though you still need help from mommy and daddy from time to time.
When we found out that we were expecting you, we were less than ready. However, we cannot imagine our lives without you. We believe that God made you extra sweet and adorable just for that, and to conteract your orneriness. You are a constant source of joy in my heart.
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Love, Mommy

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