
Saturday, February 4, 2012

30 Day Photography Challenge {day 12-18}

Wow I've been really behind on this challenge. I should probably be done already, but life happens. A couple weeks ago I got sick with the stomach flu. My husband stayed home to take care of the kids while I stayed in bed for 2 days and on day #2 the kitchen faucet broke which led to a flood in my office. The following week our sump pump got stuck and the laundry room flooded. Yesterday we got a TON of rain and the laundry room again flooded. To sum it all up, we've been dealing with a lot of water around here.

Here's what I have thus far.

Day 12: Sunset
You can't really see the sunset from our house. This is actually the view out our bedroom window. There are too many trees and houses in the way to see it from our house. I could have gone outside down to the park around the corner to maybe get a bette view, but who has time for that?

Day 13: Yourself with 13 things
13 of our favorite children's books. We have about 5 billion more in our house. (okay, maybe that is an overexageration, but we seriously have a bookshelf in every room of our home except for the bathrooms)

Day 14: Eyes
You gotta love those baby blues.

Day 15: Silhouette

This one was difficult. I wasn't really sure how to do it. I used the door for back lighting to hopefully create a silhouette... it kind of worked?

Day 16: Long exposure

This is the waterfall in the rainforest at the zoo.

Day 17: Technology

The iPad. We use it to listen to Pandora A LOT.

Day 18: Your shoes

If you didn't guess, mine are the shoes in the middle cubby. The boys share one and Dan and I have our own. It sort of keeps the entry way organized.

Up next, something orange.

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