
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from my family to yours!
It is hard to believe that yet another year has passed by us so quickly. If it had been like any other year we would have another baby on the way already (or actually here already) but hooray for us! We finally figured this NFP thing out! We would love to have another beautiful baby to add to our berry bunch, but for right now, our 3 beautiful boys are just enough for us.
I have always found in the past the New Year's resolutions are a waste of time. Mostly because I know in from the start that I'm not going to follow through with it. Just like every year this year I swear I'm actually going to esablish and maintain a workout routine (I'm not getting any younger and my metabolism won't last forever). But this year I'm also going to work really hard on finding a better balance between family and "work". And by work I mean all the crafting that I do and love that makes me little to no money.
There are days I feel I have absolutely no time to work on the many project piled up on my desk, and other days when I feel like I spend too much time on my projects, and not enough time with my children. This year I am going to create a schedule for myself to make sure that first and formost my children are getting all the love and attention that they deserve, but also that I have time to sew and crochet and keep the house somewhat organized. I know that creating an effective schedule will take some time, but to be the kind of mommy I want to be, and the kind of mommy that my boys deserve, I know that a balance must be obtained.
What resoutions do you have for the new year?

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