
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

30 Day Photography Challenge {day 8-11}

Day 8: A bad habit
My almost 3 year old tends to throw fits whenever he doesn't get his way. It's pretty pathetic.

Day 9: Someone you love
My incredible husband. He doesn't like having his picture taken and said "Why don't you just take one of the boys?" My response? "Because I take pictures of them all the time." Geesh.

Day 10: Childhood Memory
I kind of posted about this earlier, but this is my necklace that I wear pretty much all the time. When I was 4 years old I had a brain tumor and while I was in the hospital my dad called Bishop Gerber to come see me. The Bishop brought me this miraculous medal that had been blessed by the Pope. When I was little I was only allowed to wear it to church on Sundays. By 7th grade it was a daily accessory.
Day 11: Something Blue
Collin's car he got from the treasure box at school. He was very proud of himself for putting the stickers on all by himself.

Next up a sunset. Too bad you can't see it from our house because of the trees and other houses. That one might have to wait...

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