
Friday, August 19, 2011

a to z

I'm copying this from my friend, Marie's blog. She coppied it from her friend's blog. I just thought it looked like fun.

A. age :: twenty seven

B. bed size ::queen

C. chore you hate :: scrubbing the toilets. yuck. 

D. dogs :: none.but my neighbors have them. and they bark. a lot.
E. essential start to your day :: a shower. i can't wake up without it!

F. favorite color :: it changes often. currently i'm loving green.

G. gold or silver :: silver (or white gold)

H. height :: five feet. seven inches.

I. instruments you play :: vocal chords. i sing. i've been told i sing well.

J. job title :: mommy. it's the best job in the world!

K. kids :: Collin, Ronan and Dylan.

L. live :: Kansas!

M. maiden name :: young

N. nicknames :: sammy

O. overnight hospital stays :: um... 7 when I was 4, 2 with my first baby, 1 with my 2nd baby,  2 when he had pnemonia, and 1 with my 3rd baby. so.... 13

P. pet peeve :: dirty dishes put in the sink or on the counter right next to the empty dish washer.

Q. quote ::
"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain. But he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way"
R. righty or lefty :: righty

S. siblings :: 2 sisters. i'm in the middle.

T. time you wake up :: between 6 and 6:30.

U. university attended :: Wichita State University

V. vegetables you dislike: creamed corn.

W. what makes you run late :: i generally plan ahead because i hate being late, but if anything it's getting 3 kids ready.

X. x-rays you’ve had :: dental, ankle for many sprains, wrist for a sprain, back, finger (my sister slammed it in a door when i was 1 and broke it, it's still crooked), do MRI's count? I've had a lot of those for a brain tumor I had at age 4.

Y. yummy food :: salad. i really like a good salad.

Z. zoo animal favorite :: giraffes. they're beautiful.

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