
Monday, June 20, 2011

it's new to us

We got a "new" table and chairs the other day.

I say "new" becuase it actually came from a garage sale. My parents are the ones who found it and picked it up. (We're paying them back of course)
It's bigger, and shinier and so much more convenient than our old table.
We can all fit around it with some room to spare.
The only downfall, which is also a plus, is that it's real wood. Having little ones this means we have to be careful not to let water sit on it or it will ruin the table.
So I made some pretty little fabric coasters for us to put our glasses on. They are washable so when my children undoubtedly spill stuff all over them, I can just throw them in the wash.

Notice the adorable little teacup in the middle?

I bought it to hide the boys' wash rags that we use when cleaning up after meals. I hate using paper towels because it's so wasteful so each child gets a washrag that we generally use for the day (unless it's just discusting afte a meal). I rinse it and put it back on their chair to use for the next meal/snack that day. However, since our chairs are wooden now I can't drape the rags over the back anymore. So this cute little thing hides the rags and keeps the table and chairs from getting water rings. Clever? I thought so.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there, but especially to my own daddy, and my amazing husband.

He's been an amazing daddy since day 1!

This picture was before Dylan, but it's still one of my favorites.

(sorry for the poor photo. I'm on my laptop and had to copy and paste from another place)
He's such an amazing daddy. My boys are so very lucky to have him, as am I.

And of course my dad. He's been an incredible influence in my life and I am so lucky to have him. As are my boys. They love their Papa! (and sadly I can't find any pictures of them together)

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 17, 2011


I'm hosting another giveaway on my etsy blog. Go check it out here!
You could win an adorable pair of baby leg warmers! Even if you don't have a little one to wear them, you probably know someone who does!

Monday, June 13, 2011

my sister's wedding

My older sister, Sabrina, got married over the weekend in a simple, beautiful ceremony in my parent's backyard. I don't have any pictures of the ceremony (I didn't get my camera out) but I do have pictures of her cake. It's nothing super impressive, but I made it. It's the first time I've ever done a cake of this importance so I was a little stressed out.
 Just tilt your head to the right a little so that it looks straight :)
 I got to try my hand at gumpast flowers for the first time.... I need to practice.

Overall I think it turned out nice. Hopefully she was pleased with it. She says she was, but what was she going to say to my face after I had been working on it for 8 hours?

Congratulations, Sabrina and Brian! We love you!

Friday, June 10, 2011

who's that boy?

My Dylee Bug got his hair cut for the fist time last night.
Seriously. Who is that kid? I can't believe how much it changed the way he looks!
Here are some more photos from the big event.
 After lunch earlier in the day. I think he enjoyed it.
 Modeling a headband for me.
 Sitting in the big chair, ready to go!

 Look at all that hair!

 The finished product. Isn't he handsome?
He was just too cute this morning so I had to snap another photo.
He doesn't look like a little baby anymore. *sigh*

Saturday, June 4, 2011

a bug safari

Since Dylan was a baby we have called him Dylee Bug, so for his 1st birthday we decided to have a bug themed party. We invited family and a few friends to help us celebrate by going on a bug safari!

 These are the invitations that I made.
 The birthday boy!
 His fabulous bug cupcakes!
 All of the kids got a bug jar with a magnifying glass in it to find bugs.
We put candy bugs (in wrappers of course) and rubber bugs all over the yard for the kids to pick up.
 Dylan wasn't quite sure what to think of all the extra people in our backyard.

 We turned on the Elmo water mat for the kids to play in (it was such a hot, gorgeous day!) and the boys had to show off their muscles.
 I think Dylan really liked the water!

 He wasn't quite sure what to think of the cake at first, but once he got a taste, he was good to go.

 The kids got to enjoy ice cream as well. Dylan didn't even care that it was cold, just that it was sweet!

 After opening some gifts we enjoyed a BBQ with the family. Dylan even got to try his first hotdog.
 He loved it!
Then it was on to opening all the gifts from the grandparents. I think we have enough toys now (as if we didn't already!)

His birthday was a perfect day. I just can't believe it's already been and gone.

Friday, June 3, 2011


I'm having a giveaway on my other blog. Be sure to check it out! I'll be featuring other crafters on Fridays and doing lots of giveaways along with it. Be sure to enter for your chance to win some great items!