
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

baseball books

With baseball season underway, we've been reading lots of baseball books at our house. My boys love sports of any kind. Collin even likes to watch Nascar, which I'm not really sure I can call a sport, but that's not the point. Books about baseball. Dan brought a couple books home from school to share with the boys, and they LOVE them.

Bats at the BallgameDino-Baseball

The books, Dino Baseball and Bats at the Ballgame, are written by different authors, but in a similar style. The boys love to listen to the stories and wait in anticipation to find out who is going to win the baseball game. My favorite part is that the books rhyme so at times Collin can help me finish a sentance. It also helps that he wants to read them over and over again so he practically has them memorized!
I just love how much the boys enjoy reading books, and having stories read to them. Ronan's attention span isn't quite as long, but I think Collin would sit and let me read books to him all day. And I would, if it weren't for having to cook, clean, and keep the Dylinator from attacking!

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