
Friday, April 15, 2011


Today I enrolled my baby boy in preschool. How can it be that he is old enough to go off to school without me by his side?

We weren't planning on sending him to preschool. He was going to stay home with me for another year. I was going to do daycare again to make money. He was going to be socialized here in the comfort of our home under my supervision. *sigh* He's growing up too fast.
Okay, so it's only 2 mornings a week, but still. It's gonna be hard. Collin, however, is very excited. After all, he gets to eat snack at school every day.
This is going to be really good for him, and me. 2 mornings a week I'll only have 2 children which means it will be way easier to run to the grocery store. Like I said, we weren't planning on sending him next year, but an opportunity for a "free" 2 day program opened up and we decided to grab it.
Now that he's going to school I won't be doing daycare because I have to be able to take him to school and pick him up. Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to have my days open for playdates and crafting during nap time, I just have to figure out another way to make money now. So you should go buy things from my etsy store. Or check out my blog and donate, or advertise.  :)

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