
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ronan!

This post is as little late, but....
Happy Birthday Ronan! It's hard to believe how quickly 2 years has flown by. You are a joy in our lives in so many ways, Even though you are able to throw the most incredible tantrums, you make up for it with cuteness and kisses.  Here is a rundown of some of the things you are doing these days:

*You are talking. non. stop. I find it hard to believe that you talk as well as you do for your age, but even more incredible that you have the energy to talk nearly every second of the day.

*You can name most of your colors (red, blue, yellow, orange, green, pink) but if asked what color something is you almost always reply "um... I don't know."

*You can recite the entire alphabet.

*You can count to 5, and sometimes to 10.

*You LOVE to play in the play kitchen making all sorts of yummy things for mommy to eat.

*You take one nap a day. I put you down at 1:30, usually without much of a fight, and you sleep until around 4:00 most days.

*You are in a toddler bed now, but sometimes like to sleep in Collin's bed. He doesn't always let you though because you kick a lot in your sleep.

*Collin is your best friend. You follow him, copy him and fight with him like any good brother would. I love to watch you boys play together and hope that you will always be such good friends.

*You have become a picky eater. Chocolate is always a yes, but you are getting better at accepting that you have to eat your dinner before you can have dessert.

*When you throw a fit, I take you to your room and tell you that you can come out when you are done. It usually takes less than a minute and you are by my side giving me hugs and kisses.

*You love to sing.

*Listening to you say your prayers absolutely melts my heart.
You have made our lives better in so many ways. Sometimes I can't help but smile as I watch you and your brothers play. You are incredible, sweet, smart, funny, goofy and lovable. Happy birthday my middle monkey. But please, stop growing up so fast.

(stay tuned for photos and a rundown of Ronan's super awesome Blue's Clues party!)

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