
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

8 months

My sweet Dylee Bug is 8 months old (as of yesterday). It's hard to believe that it has already been that long since he was born. My babies are growing up too fast!
Dylan has really started to really develop a personality and keeps everyone entertained. The last few days he has giggled every time someone says "beep-beep!" It's adorable.

He is now full on crawling, pulling himself to standing, and sitting himself up. When we play downstairs he often tries to climb the stairs and can get one knee up on the bottom step. This usually results in him falling and crying for about 2 seconds. He is FINALLY sleeping through the night (for the most part). We've started a new routine with him of having Dan take him to his room and rock him before bed. We always did this with Collin and he always slept great. That combined with Motrin for his teeth at bedtime has really helped! His top gums are super swollen and this set of teeth seems to really be kicking his butt. He's able go through the day without medicine, aside from the occasional swipe of orajel, but at night time he's awake every couple of hours without it. Hopefully those teeth will pop through soon!

Dylan loves to be right in the middle of whatever his brothers are doing. It doesn't matter how many toys I get out for him to play with, whatever his brothers have is always more fun. I often hear Collin or Ronan saying "Dylee!!! Mommy! Will you come move Dylan?" Which of course makes Dyl laugh. Ornery squirt!

I know I'm his mommy so I'm going to be biased, but seriously, this kid is awesome. He's incredibly sweet and loving (though he's become somewhat of a mama's boy and tend to cry for daddy) and giggles at everything. He loves to snuggle, yet takes naps in his bed without a problem (most of the time).
He is an absolute joy in our lives.


  1. He is an amazingly little guy! Such a blessed Mommy to those three little boys, you are!

  2. He is darling!!!

    I saw on you comment that you wanted to participate in the Handmade swap. If you want to grab a spot, you will need to email me ASAP.

    Also, I'm not blogging about these swap items, as often I use swap stuff for birthday gifts and things. (Got to keep them secret!)


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