
Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday, Collin!

On Wednesday my sweet baby boy turned 3 years old. How has 3 years gone by already? I remember everything about his birth as though it was yesterday. It's hard to believe that he my little baby, once so small and dependent on his mommy, is now so big and idependant.

He's grown so much in the last year, though not destined to be tall. He wears mostly 3T now but can still fit into most of his 2T and even has a pair of shorts that are 18 months. My kids have tiny hinies.

Collin is my puzzle wiz. He does 24 piece puzzles all by himself, and even has a couple 48 piece puzzles that he can do.

He loves picture finds such as "Where's Waldo?" and loves to sing and dance.

He knows all the letters of the alphabet, upper and lower case, and is beginning to know the letter sounds.

He knows all of his colors, counts consistently to 12, knows his basic shapes including octagon.

He is fully potty trained with very few accidents and even sleeps in his underwear now. He is getting good at dressing himself and even picks out his own clothes some days. (I have to just let it be when he doesn't match cause it's not worth the fight.)

Collin can be a feisty, stubborn little dude, but mostly he is my big helper who loves to give hugs, play with his brothers, and help me make cookies.

I love every minute of watching him grown and learn and am so thankful that I get to spend my days at home with him. In just 2 short years he'll be off to school.....sigh.

Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet Collin! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday. Very impressive with the numbers, letters, and colors.


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