
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

spring break rewind

Spring Break has come and gone. So sad. I don't have photos to upload at the moment (cause I'm lazy and don't want to load them on my computer at the moment) but we had an awesome spring break.
My boys (that includes Dan) and I got to spend some quality time together, and Dan and I got some time alone without the children. That rarely happens.
Tuesday I got a day with some of my girlfriends just hanging out, eating and chatting. Wednesday Dan and I drove to Tulsa to visit some friends and eat at Joe's Crab Shack. And Thursday was by far the BEST DAY EVER!
In the morning we took the boys to the zoo. Both of them LOVED feeding the giraffes! After that we ate lunch at Cinnamon's Deli. Yum! We went home, the boys took good naps, and then we played outside. While I worked on starting dinner we heard the ice cream truck and ran to buy a ginormous popcicle. The boys didn't even eat 1/4 of it. My parents came over for dinner that evening and stayed to play with the boys. We had grilled pizza and for desert, raspberry jello cake. Dan went to wrestling practice that evening and my mom stayed to help clean up and bathe the boys while my dad cut down some bushes in the backyard. We spent most of the day with the windows open and got to enjoy the fresh warm air. Of course the snow came the next day, but seriously. THE BEST DAY EVER! I wish we had time for more days like that.
The rest of break was good, and coming back to reality was harsh. But, only a few months of school left, then we'll have a new baby and a summer to enjoy. Yay!

Oh have I mentioned that Collin is potty trained? He's such a super stud. Wearing his underwear all day (except for the pull up at nap time just to be safe) and he's been dry through nearly every nap for more than a week. Not to mention he's dry through the night. Having daycare kids back set him back yesterday, but today he's back to being awesome. He got to pick out new underpants over spring break, and today Dan is bringing a small fish tank home for him to have on his dresser (since there is no longer a changing pad up there). I'm so proud of my little man. He amazes me more and more each day!

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