
Sunday, November 22, 2009

eat your noodles

For dinner tonight we had a "meal in a bag" from TGIFriday's. It was a firecracker shrimp pasta dish and very tasty. Collin tends to be a pretty picky eater and of course ate all the chicken (yes there was chicken in a shrimp dish. we were suprised as well) and wouldn't eat anything else. Dan, being the awesome goofy daddy that he is, pretended to be asleep and told Collin the only way to wake him up was to eat a noodle. Collin looked at me like daddy was crazy but when I told him that daddy would stay asleep until he ate a noodle, he quickly picked one up and shoveled it in his mouth. He then reached over and tapped Dan saying "wake up Daddy!" Dan sprang up and said "oh, you must have eaten a noodle because I'm awake!" He repeated this routine until nearly every noodle on Collin's plate had been eaten.
I don't know what we'll do when he becomes to smart/sophisticated for games such as these.


  1. THAT is such a precious story! Love it.

  2. that's hilarious! i can totally relate to games (tricks!) like that, having a 3 and 4 yr old myself! so funny!

    thanks so much for adding the Sugarplum button to your blog!



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