
Monday, August 31, 2009

Natalie's Sentiments Giveaway!

Natalie's Sentiments

A little bird told me that Natalie is having another giveaway... Hurry on over and check out Natalie's Sentiments! She's giving away 8 prizes in 7 days to celebrate HER birthday week! There is some great stuff up for grabs!

Friday, August 28, 2009

baby stats

We had check ups today for both of the boys. Going to the doctor for shots is not fun. But 3 shots for Ronan, 1 for Collin and lab work later, we are home and napping.

At 2 years Collin weighs 27.6 pounds and is 32 inches tall. He is doing everything that he is supposed to be doing at his age. Way to go Collin! He is able to follow 2 step directions, and ask questions such as "where it go?" He runs, jumps and climbs on everything, and can put up to 4 sometimes 5 words together. His longest sentence is "Mommy, sit down right there." He's pretty bossy and particular about the way you sit when you are playing. My favorite sentence however, is "I love you mommy" which sounds more like "I uv oo mommy". Too sweet. He is totally obsessed with sports and is constantly wanted to throw or kick balls around the house. Not to mention he loves to wrestle with his little brother. Luckily, Ronan usually thinks it's funny.
I can't believe how quickly 2 years has flown by, and how much my baby has changed in that time. He is so much fun to be around. And though he makes me tired and crazy at times, I can't imagine my life without him.
I hope to get some better pictures of Collin. He was more interested in playing with cars.

Ronan is now 6 months old. He weighs 17 pounds/50th %, is 26.5 inches tall/40th% and his head is 18inches/92nd %. The Berry's are known for having big heads!
Ronan now has one tooth and his diligently working on his 2nd. He is able to sit unsupported for short periods of time, and is almost able to crawl. He is doing the army crawl all over the house, but hasn't quite figured out how to move his arms and legs without falling down. He is full of smiles 90% of his awake time and is wanting to eat or sleep the other 10%. He is not yet sleeping through the night, which is driving me bonkers, but he'll get there. He still wakes up twice a night, sometimes once before midnight. Dan has started rocking him back to sleep if he awakes before midnight so that hopefully he will quick waking up to eat. Collin started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks, so 6 months has been a long haul for us.
Having 2 children has been so much fun. It's exhausting for sure, but there is so much joy in it. I love my boys!

happy 2 day!

Ever since Collin's birthday he has been singing "happy two day!" It's pretty stinkin' cute.
Here are some pictures from his special day.

Birthday morning breakfast. Chocolate chip waffles and chocolate milk.

Playing in his new sandbox. I actually bought it at a garage sale for $20. Much better than the $50 I would have found it for in stores.

His new tool bench from Grammy and Papa Young. New trike from Uncle Rob.
He got tons more gifts, but I didn't want to post all of the pictures.
Here he is blowing out the candles on his cake.

For his birthday with friends we went to the zoo and then had lunch at our house.
This is his "girlfriend" Sofia, or Fisa as he calls her.

Her are Clare and Lizzy. Don't you love the sweet hats and glasses they all got to wear?
Collin showing off his sweet shades with Papa Berry.
Here is Collin and Fisa enjoying the penguins together.
I think daddy had a good time too.
Collin and his friends enjoying lunch.

Monday, August 24, 2009

delicious caks

I'll post more pictures of Collin's 2nd birthday later, but I wanted to quickly share pictures of his cakes. On his birthday we had a party with the family and had a cake that looks like a pizza. The kid loves pizza.

Looks delicious, no?

On Saturday we had a zoo party with his friends and had delicious cupcakes that looked like some of Collin's favorite zoo animals.
The kids had a blast, and looked super cute. I promise I'll post pictures soon.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Collin watered the flowers around the tree in our front yard
Collin had a date with a pretty girl.

Ronan discovered that frozen (home-made) squash feels great on new teeth. (Ronan cut his first tooth, just barely, yesterday)
Ronan decided that with eating cereal and squash now he needs to start working out. Push ups are a lot of fun.
Collin has been loving on his brother, and Ronan loves every minute of it.
He even reads stories to his baby brother.
Collin has also become quite the artist.
Dan has gone back to school, as well as the rest of the teachers. Me? I'm not at school. I'm at home with my beautiful boys. Ah. Life is good.