
Saturday, June 13, 2009

a busy week

The week started out by going to a Wingnuts game with Dan's brothers last Sunday. It was a good game, but unfortunately the weather didn't hold and we got to the car just as the first drops of rain fell. We ended the evening at Old Chicago, in which Dan's awesome brother, Rob, bought us all dinner.
On Monday, Ronan got to try out his Bumbo seat for the first time. He does pretty well in it, but won't sit for long.
He has also become a super stud at holding his head up.
On Tuesday we went to a friend's house for dinner. There are their 2 little girls, Clare and Elizabeth.
Collin hung out with daddy part of the time. He was a little unsure of the girls at first.
Ronan hung out on the blanket with Pete. Pete is about 2 and a half weeks older than Ronan.
Friday and Saturday we helped with a garage sale at my parents house. On Saturday Collin got to hang out with my cousin's son, Nolan. Nolan will be 3 in October. They had fun playing with Dolphins in water.
This is the face of innocence. Though he is far from innocent.
And Collin picked out a couple of hats for him and Papa to wear. Aren't they cute?
Collin absolutely adores his Papa (both of them). On Thursday evening my parents came to get some stuff from our garage for the sale and Collin spent 10 minutes at the window shouting "Papa! Papa!" until my dad finally came in and got him. I was about to go bananas!

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh! I love the pictures! Ronan is so flippin' cute! He reminds me of your sisters (maybe you, too?) as babies. Not that I remmber you guys as babies, but the pics I've seen. :)

    Collin and Papa together in their hats...too too too sweet. Miss you!


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