
Friday, May 29, 2009

Not Me! Monday

During my last week of school my husband was home with the boys all day as his school is awesome and got out a week earlier. When I arrived home on Thursday, the basement was not a huge disaster. It did not look like all of Collin's toy bins had thrown up all over the floor. This did not include all the dress up clothes that he probably didn't play with anyhow. After dinner I did not put away some of the clutter so that Ronan could play on the floor, and Collin was not the cutest little helper putting blocks away and saying 'clean up'. Upon finishing Collin did not drag out the dress up high heels and proceed to put them on daddy's feet. I did not laugh and then encourage him to put them on his own feet. I did not snap these photos of him to black mail him in the future remember how stinkin cute he was at this age. I mean, he's a boy for cryin out loud!

On Saturday we had some friends over for a BBQ and I did not make these adorable corn on the cob cupcakes.Today, my sweet 21 month old boy did not go pee-pee in the potty for the first time. We have not been setting him on the toilet before his bath each nightt, and are not super thrilled with this small, yet monumental success.
We also did not buy Collin a new sprinkler for the backyard, and I did not have fun taking photos of him and daddy running through the water.
I do not think I have the cutest kids in the world!


  1. yes your kids are adorable :D It must be the Young genes, hehe (patting myself on the back) Also, your cupcakes are so cute!!

  2. Love the cupcakes, I think you must have the same cute cupcake book that my mom has.


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