
Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's that time again. Time to be honest about all the things I didn't do this past week.

Click on the Not Me! Monday picture to check out the rules and visit McMama's page. She's the amazing lady who created this fabulous carnival.

Last Wednesday was gorgeous! A perfect day to take 22 pre-schoolers to the zoo. Being the fair-skinned red-head that I am, I always use sunscreen. I did not get a nice sunburn on our 4 hour field trip to the zoo. I am smart enough to put on sunscreen before the end of the day. Especially after preaching to all the parents about the importance of puting sun block on their kids.

This past week I most definitely did not back into my husbands car as Collin and I were heading to Target. I did not forget to check my mirror assuming that my car was in the back like usual. No. That would be stupid. I surely did not do this. And after not doing this, there was not a nice mark on the front bumper. Nope. Because this didn't happen.

And because I know you all want some insight into the world of teaching preschool special education: Today, I did not have a student poop his pants and wipe it on the classroom walls. He did not have poop up to his elbows and I did not leave my para to clean it up because I was "busy" with a small group. Nope. This most definitely did not happen.

Have I mentioned that I'm quitting? Would anyone like my job?


  1. That sounds crappy. Ha.

    Lots of love to you! Come on, summer! We want some Berry playdates!

  2. Other kids poop is terrible! i had a daycare until a few months ago. Babies are fine, but toddlers - no! Just not cool!


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