
Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I've been following MckMama's blog for about a month now and have decided that it's time I join in the "not me" fun. So here it goes!

Today I started back to work after 10 glorious weeks of maternity leave. I loved every second that I got to spend with my boys and did not at any point secretly wish that swine flu would break out at my school prior to my return allowing me another solid week with my children. Nope. Not Me! I mean, after all, I only have 4 weeks left and then I'm done. I mean done, done! Never going back. Sure I'll miss the people I work with, but I will never look back. Getting to be a stay at home mom will be the greatest adventure ever.

Upon my return today I most definitely did not forget the names of any of my 47 students. What kind of a teacher would do that?

Only 18 days of school left, and only 14 days with students. But I am most definitely not counting!

Want to join in the Not Me! fun? Visit MckMama for the official rules!


  1. wow, how awesome for you that you are only going back to work for a little while, and then you will get to stay home... i am jeolous. i have to go back to work next week... :(

  2. Only 13 days left of school, and 11 with students, but I'm not counting either, lol.


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