
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

should have gone to med school...

Then maybe I would understand why my little guy keeps getting sick and vomitting. Collin got sick the Tuesday before Easter and threw up continually through Friday. We sent in a stool sample and made it all day Saturday with no episodes. Easter Sunday he threw up twice and then was fine. Later that week we got the results saying he had rotovirus. We made it an entire week, and last Sunday he threw up about 5 times between 5am and 11:30am, and then was fine. This time we chalked it up to sour milk. We checked the date on his milk and it was 1 day past the sell by date. Oops. Bad mommy. He was fine the rest of the day Sunday, great on Monday, but in the middle of the night he woke up screaming laying in his own vomit. My initial thought... "seriously?" Which quickly turned into sympathy and concern for my little man. Dan rocked him back to sleep and took post outside his bedroom door to make sure he was okay. This morning? He seems perfectly fine again. Talking, laughing, eating toast, drinking water and watching Handy Manny. I would take him back to the doctor but I know what they will say. It's probably just a virus. Just wait it out. If it gets worse call me back. And I will have paid $30 for a diagnosis that I had already given. So now? We're keeping a journal of everything he eats. Maybe he's developing a food allergy. Who knows. Anybody else want to take a crack at a diagnosis?

1 comment:

  1. I despise vomit. Kenzy started this morning. I think I've been puked on twice already today. Thankfully I've avoided Krosby playing in it, that is just gross. So far we're looking like no end in sight for Kenzy. She's pretty miserable. I think there's a lot of junk going around, which is just sucktastic. I feel bad for Kamy, but I am not taking her to school today because I refuse to have to clean up vomit in my car. Blah.

    Hope Collin just had a weird case of the pukes. I'm glad he's seeming fine today, and that he was fine yesterday! We're not going to the doc, either.


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