
Thursday, April 16, 2009

i'm back

It's been a while, but I'm back. Life got busy with a Easter and a sick boy. Collin had a bout with rotovirus, but is finally back to normal. It was a little scary when it first hit as he vomited 20 times in a 24 hour period. The sweet boy was so exhausted that he pretty much slept all day last Wednesday.

We made it to mass Easter morning but had to skip the rest of the festivities. In any case, my kids looked adorable.

In other news, Ronan had his first bottle on the 10th.

Only 2 more weeks until I go back to work. Luckily he took to the bottle with no problems. Going back to work this time around should be much easier for 3 reasons. 1. I only have to go back for 4 weeks, 2. I don't have to go back at all next year as I'll be staying home and running a daycare, and 3. I already have a good supply of milk in the freezer so supplamenting won't be needed. (Having all that milk in the freezer makes me feel good about myself. Weird?) and 4. (did I say 3? I meant 4) The team I work with yhis year is awesome and they don't stress me out like I was last year.


  1. Awwww - how cute is your family?! I love you guys. :)

    With reference to your #3 - I feel AWESOME when I have a good supply of milk in the freezer. There's just something really cool about knowing that IF something (heaven forbid) happened where I was out of comission for some reason - hey, mommies get sick, too - that the babe could be fed for a while without needing formula. It is AWESOME! And FREEEEEEEEE! Such good economists, we are. :)

  2. I have a huge supply of milk in the freezer as well :D I hope I never have to use it, but it is a comfort!!


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