
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2 months and 26 years

Today marks an important day at the Berry house. Our little Ronan is 2 months old today! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. He has changed so much over the last 8 weeks and has brought so much joy to our lives. He's starting to smile more, and "talk" and on Monday, April 20th, he rolled from his stomach to his back for the first time. It's really hard to get pictures of him smiling because, just like his brother, he quits as soon as he sees the camera.
Happy 2 month birthday baby boy! You've made our lives better in so many ways! I love you!

In "older" news. Today is my amazing husband's 26th birthday. I probably don't proclaim his greatness often enough, so I thought I'd take a moment to share some of the reasons I love him so much (which in our house is the most that you can love someone).
  1. He's generous
  2. He's super handsom
  3. He tells me I'm beautiful
  4. He's considerate of my feelings
  5. He spends time with our boys
  6. Though I have never cared for the sport of wrestling, his passion for the sport and the kids he coaches makes me proud to be a coahes wife
  7. His sense of humor
  8. The way he is determined to do whatever it takes to make me being a stay at home mom a reality
  9. He's an amazing father
  10. His faithfulness
  11. He cooks just as often as I do
  12. He makes up silly songs just because
  13. He's hard working
  14. He's intelligent - sometimes I think he knows way too much. Playing against him in trivial persuit just isn't fun for me
  15. He reads to the boys
  16. He's still a kid at heart
  17. He helps me out around the house when I ask him to, and sometimes without me asking
  18. Have I mentioned what an amazing father he is?

There are so many more reasons why I love him. I could go on all day because I don't think there is a single thing that I don't love about him.

Happy Birthday to my amazing hubby. I love you So Much!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww! Love the pics!

    Happy 2 months Ronan and Happy Birthday to the old man of the house! :)


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