
Monday, December 8, 2008

my little spotted leapord

So I got out of another full week of school. I'm getting really good at that. Collin started to develop a rash Saturday evening and the spots continued to multiply. So today I stayed home with him only to find out that it's a viral rash, probably a follow up to his episode last week. I'm glad that he didn't contract chicken pox from having his vaccinations right before Thanksgiving. We got some good cuddle time in today. This morning he took a 2 hour nap and about an hour and 15 minutes of that was on me. I only wish the camera had been close enough to capture how absolutely precious he looked at the time. Today Collin signed "please" for the first time. He's been signing "more" and "all done/all gone" for a while but I was very excited that he's learning to be polite. Most of the time anyhow. Other than signing he has several words that he uses: hi bye baby more mama dada papa mow - when he sees a cat or any other animal that is not a dog (he pants when he sees puppies) He's also very talented at waving and dancing. Oh yes, the boy can dance! Some of his best moves he learned from a dancing/singing reigndeer that we bought for Christmas. As far as following directions goes, he's doing pretty well. He knows what "no" means, but he loves to test it. However, if I tell him it's time to brush his teeth he walks back to the bathroom and gets up on the seat to brush. He's pretty smart, but I'm also just a little biased.

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